

園田計二 (機械工学)

Dr. Keiji SONODA


1983年4月~  日本トライボロジー学会 会員

1984年4月~  日本機械学会 会員

2000年4月~  日本設計工学会 会員

2001年4月~  自動車技術会 会員

1991年~1996年 日本機械学会・機素潤滑部門所属, 歯車分科会(P-SC206, 256)幹事

2007年~2017年  日本設計工学会・九州支部・支部長(その内、本部理事3年間)


  1. Keiji SONODA, Hidenori HIRAI, Maki SONODA and Kazuki TAKENOUCHI, “Design and Manufacture of Eccentric Planetary Gear Drive with Hydraulic Motor (Power Transmission Efficiency of Trial Gear Reducer)”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science, Vol. 1, pp.161-164 (2017).
  2. Kazuki TAKENOUCHI, Keiji SONODA, Yoshiaki KUBOTA and Shoko KAWATA, “Considerations on Digital Modeling of Double Curved Surface (Generation of Digital Model of Circular-Arc Tooth-Trace Gear)”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science, Vol. 1, pp. 332-335 (2017).
  3. Tsukasa IRIE, Kazuki TAKENOUCHI, Keiji SONODA, Naoshi IZUMI, Ryouhei ISHIMARU, Kouji AKASHI and Akihisa MORI, ” Approach to Education of Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerance in University and College of Technology “, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science, Vol. 1, pp.142-143 (2017).
  4. Keiji SONODA, Kazuki TAKENOUCHI and Shigetaka IKETAKI, ” Digital Modeling and Manufacture of Planetary Gear Drive Using Circular-Arc Tooth-Trace Gears “, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, ICMDT 2015, Vol. 1, pp.94-95 (2015).
  5. 園田 計二,原賀 匠,砂川 裕紀: “歯車の動力伝達効率測定に関する研究”,, 設計工学, Vol. 49, No. 8, pp.27-31 (2014).
  6. Keiji SONODA, Kazuki TAKENOUCHI and Shinji HASHIMURA: “Design and Manufacture of New Circular-Arc Tooth-Trace Gears (Design of Rack and Pinion based on Transverse System)”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, pp. 49-52 (2014).
  7. Keiji SONODA, Akira ISHIBASHI and Yuki SUNAGAWA, “Friction and Power Loss at Contact Surface of rollers under EHL Condition”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science, Vol. 1, pp.211-216 (2010).
  8. 石橋 彰,砂川 裕紀,園田 計二: “歯車の回転中に負荷のできる重荷重用歯車負荷試験機の設計製作と試験結果(第1報:試験機の設計製作および平歯車・はすば歯車の騒音と負荷能力)”,, 設計工学, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp.30-37 (2004).
  9. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA, Yuki SUNAGAWA and Ryo SYOJI: “Surface Durability of Steel Rollers Lubricated by Fresh and Used Engine Oils”, International Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering, Vol.9, Special Issue: ITC2004, pp.79-85 (2004).
  10. Keiji SONODA, Yuki SUNAGAWA, Mitsuaki NARITOMI and Akira ISHIBASHI: “Performance of Used Engine-oils in Metal Forming and Metal Cutting”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, Vol.1, pp.153-161 (2004).
  11. Koji MAENOSONO, Takeji SUGIMOTO, Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Impact Bending Fatigue Strength of Induction Hardened Gears Made from Carbon and Alloy Steels in Comparison with Carburized of Nitrided Gears”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions, Vol.1, pp.10-16 (2001).
  12. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA, Yuki SUNAGAWA and Satoru EZOE: “Performance of Used Engine-Oil in Metal Cutting, Tribology 2001, (Plenary and Session Key Papers from 2nd World Tribology Congress), The Austrian Tribology Society, pp.401-402 (2001).
  13. Koji MAENOSONO, Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Impact Bending Fatigue Strength of Gear Teeth Case-Hardened by Nitriding and Carburizing”, Proc. of the ASME 8th International Power Trans. And Gearing Conference, Baltimore, pp.1-8 (2000).
  14. 陳 勇,石橋 彰,園田 計二,松原 正巳: “乗用車の自動変速機用遊星歯車変速機の騒音・振動に関する研究”, 日本機械学会論文集, 第66巻, 第642号, C編, pp.280-285 (2000).
  15. ALI M. Haidar, Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and Satoru EZOE: “Minimization of effect of CBN wheel wear on ground gear errors”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp.607-626 (1999).
  16. Koji MAENOSONO, Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Effect of Plasma Nitriding upon Impact Fatigue Strength of Gears made of Ductile Iron”, Proceedings of 4th World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission, Paris, Vol.2, pp.1525-1536 (1999).
  17. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and ALI M. Haidar: “Effects of Kinds of Bearings and Lubricants upon Power Transmission Efficiency of Planetary Gear Drives”, Proceedings of 4th World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission, Paris, Vol.2, pp.973-984 (1999).
  18. Keiji SONODA, Akira ISHIBASHI and Koji MAENOSONO: “A New Planetary Gear Drive with Three Crank Shafts for Eliminating Pin-hole Coupling”, Proceedings of 4th World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission , Paris, Vol. 2, pp.1135-1140 (1999).
  19. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and ALI M. Haidar: “Effects of Type of Lubricant and Shape of Tooth Profile upon Efficiency of Gear Drives”, Journal of Lubrication Science, Vol.11, No.2, pp.135-163 (1999).
  20. Keiji SONODA, Akira ISHIBASHI and Shoichi ISAMI: ” Comparison of Static and Running Efficiencies of Planetary Gear Drives”, Proceedings of First World Tribology Congress, pp.895 (1997).
  21. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and ALI M. Haidar: “Effects of Kind of Lubricants and Shape of Tooth Profiles upon Efficiency of Gear Drives”, Proceedings of First World Tribology Congress, pp.880 (1997).
  22. 石橋 彰,ALI M. Haidar,園田 計二: “2自由度系遊星歯車機構の理論効 率の計算式に関する研究”, 日本機械学会論文集, 第63巻, 第611号, C編, pp.330-337 (1996).
  23. Koji MAENOSONO, Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Impact Fatigue Strength of Gear Teeth Case Hardened by Plasma Nitriding, Proceedings of ASME 7th International Power Transmissions and Gearing Conference, DE-Vol.88, pp.631-638 (1996).
  24. ALI M. Haidar, Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Methods for Increasing Life of Gear Grinding Wheels with Cubic Boron Nitride Grains, Proceedings of ASME 7th International Power Transmissions and Gearing Conference, DE-Vol.88, pp.623-630 (1996).
  25. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and Koji MAENOSONO: “Theoretical Efficiencies of Planetary Gear Drive for Speed Increase and Reduction with Experimental Verifications, Proceedings of ASME 7th International Power Transmissions and Gearing Conference, DE-Vol.88, pp.397-404 (1996).
  26. Keiji SONODA, Akira ISHIBASHI and Shoichi ISAMI: “Comparison of Efficiencies and Running Noise of Differential Gear Drive and Hybrid Drive, Proceedings of ASME 7th International Power Transmissions and Gearing Conference, DE-Vol.88, pp.97-104 (1996).
  27. 石橋 彰,園田 計二,前之園 好爾: “差動歯車機構の減速効率と増速効率の比較(第1報,理論式の誘導と計算例), 日本機械学会論文集, 第62巻, 第594号, C編, pp.721-728 (1996).
  28. ALI M. Haidar, Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Increase in Life of CBN Wheel for Gear Grinding”, International Journal of the JSPE, Vol. 29, No.4, pp.367-368 (1995).
  29. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and ALI M. Haidar: “A Gear Grinding Method for Increasing Life of CBN Wheel without Increasing Roughness of Ground Gears”, Proceedings of 1995 International Conference on Precision Engineering, pp.36-39 (1995).
  30. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA Kenji KAWANO and ALI M. Haidar: “New Mechanisms for Main Gear Drive of CNC Gear Grinding Machine”, Proceedings of 1995 International Conference on Precision Engineering, pp.114-117 (1995).
  31. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Theoretical Efficiency of Epicyclic Differential Gear Drives with High Reduction for Robot, Proceedings of 4th International Tribology Conference (Austrib ’94), Vol. 2, pp.617-624 (1994).
  32. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Equations for Calculating Power Transmission Efficiencies of Compound Internal Gear Drives, Proceedings of the 1994 International Gearing Conference, pp.317-322 (1994).
  33. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and Hiroyuki NISHIDA: “Power Transmission Efficiency of Differential Hybrid Reducers Consisting of Gear and Traction Drives, Proceedings of the 1994 International Gearing Conference, pp.127-132 (1994).
  34. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA, “Effects of Surface Roughness and Type of Oil on Traction Characteristics between Steel Roller”, International Journal on the Science & Technology of Wear, Vol. 175, Nos. 1-2, pp.39-49 (1994).
  35. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Estimation of Efficiency of Gear Drives with Complex Mechanism using Traction Coefficient Obtained by Disk Machine”, Proceedingsof 6th International Congress on Tribology, Vol.4, pp.371-376 (1993).
  36. 石橋 彰,園田 計二,穂屋下 茂: “遊星歯車と差動歯車の動力伝達効率の計算式(第1報,代表的歯車装置に対する正確な計算式の誘導), 日本機械学会論文集, 第58巻, 第554号, C編, pp.3075-3081 (1992).
  37. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Mirror like Finishing of Precision Rollers and Changes on the Roller Surfaces Caused by Loaded Running”, JSME International Journal, Series Ⅲ, Vol.35, No.2, pp.286-293 (1992).
  38. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Effects of Kinds of Oil on Power Transmission Efficiency of Planetary Traction Drives, Journal of Synthetic Lubrication”, Vol.9, No.1, pp.3-16 (1991).
  39. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Planetary Traction Drives with High Efficiencies”, Proceedings of International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions (JSME), Vol.1, pp.977-982 (1991).
  40. 石橋 彰,園田 計二,加来 祥一: “低硬度鋼ローラの面圧強度と表面の変化に及ぼす油種の影響”, 日本機械学会論文集, 第57巻,第533号, C編, pp.258-263 (1991).
  41. 石橋 彰,穂屋下 茂,江副 覚,陳 勇,園田 計二: “鏡面研削と歯形修整による平歯の騒音と振動の低減”, 日本機械学会論文集, 第56巻, 第532号, C編, pp.3410-3415  (1990).
  42. Akira ISHIBASHI, Keiji SONODA and Seido NISHIJIMA: “A New Gear Load Testing  Machine with Traction Elements Used for Circulating Power”, Proceedings of the Japan    International Tribology Conference Vol.3, pp.1539~1544(1990).
  43. 石橋 彰,園田 計二,西島 誠道: “遊星式トラクションドライブの速比と効率の試験機およびその応用例”, 日本機械学会論文集, 第55巻,第519号,C編, pp.2849~2855(1989).
  44. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA:”Effects of Kinds of Oil on Power Transmission Efficiency of Planetary Traction Drives”, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Tribology, Vol.4, pp.210~215(1989).
  45. Akira ISHIBASHI and Keiji SONODA: “Evaluation of Efficiency and Ratio of Hybrid Reducers Consisting of Internal Gear and Traction Drives”,  Proceedings of the 1989 ASME 5th International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, Vol.1, pp.235-242 (1989).
  46. Akira ISHIBASHI, Shigeru HOYASHITA and Keiji SONODA, “Improvements in Performance of Gear Pumps”,Proceedings of the International Conference on Gearing 1988 China Vol.2, pp.1095~1098 (1988).
  47. 石橋 彰,園田 計二,服部 信祐,”歯車とローラを用いたハイブリッド形減速機の設計・製作と性能(第1報,新減速機の試作とその動力伝達効率について)”,日本機械学会論文集,第52巻,第484号,C編,pp.3271~3276 (1986).
  48. Akira ISHIBASHI, Shigeru HOYASHITA and Keiji SONODA: “Traction Characteristics of Lubricating Oil under High Pressure (1st Report, Traction Coefficient at Mean Pressure up to 2.7GPa) “, Bulletin of JSME, Vol.28, No.243, pp.2120~2127(1985).
  49. Akira ISHIBASHI, Shigeru HOYASHITA and Keiji SONODA: “Remarkable Increase in Pitting Limit of Through Hardened Steel Rollers under Rolling with Sliding Conditions”,Proceedings of the JSLE International Tribology Conference,Vol.3, pp.929~934(1985).
  50. 石橋 彰,穂屋下 茂,園田 計二: “高圧領域における潤滑油のトラクション特性の研究(第1報,平均圧力2.7GPaまでのトラクション係数について) “,日本機械学会論文集, 第51巻, 第461号,C編,pp.122~132 (1985).

新聞、学術論文 の 解説記事

  1. 竹之内 和樹,園田 計二: ”機械にまつわる幾何学形状(4), 図学研究, Vol.49, No. 2, pp.21-24 (2015).
  2. 園田 計二,竹之内 和樹: ”機械にまつわる幾何学形状(3), 図学研究, Vol.49, No. 1, pp.23-26 (2015).
  3. 園田 計二,竹之内 和樹: ”機械にまつわる幾何学形状(2), 図学研究, Vol.48, No. 4, pp.19-23 (2014).
  4. 園田 計二,竹之内 和樹: ”機械にまつわる幾何学形状(1), 図学研究, Vol.48, Nos.2-3, pp.27-32 (2014).
  5. 園田計二: ” 変・速減機(歯車に関する特集頁), 日刊工業新聞, pp.10-11, 2014年8月22日.
  6. 研究室紹介, 設計工学, Vol. 47, No. 6, p.26 (2011).
  7. 園田計二: ”技術者教育の復活(今こそ実学教育をめざせ), 設計工学, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp.1-6 (2011).
  8. 園田計二: ”減速・増速・変速機の開発動向と課題, 日刊工業新聞, pp.10-11, 2010年8月4日.


  1. 園田 計二: ”新型の円弧歯すじ歯車(ラック&ピニオン)の設計・製作”, 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門所属『歯車の高機能化と加工技術に関する調査研究分科会』研究成果報告書,P-SC359, pp.81~84 (2010).
  2. 園田 計二: ”円弧歯すじ歯車の設計と加工について”, 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門所属『歯車の高機能化と加工技術に関する調査研究分科会』研究成果報告書,P-SC359, pp.81~84 (2010).
  3. 園田 計二,石橋 彰,江副 覚: ”自動車エンジン廃油を歯車潤滑油などに有効利用する研究”,科学研究補助金〔基盤研究(B) , (153600088)〕,【研究成果報告書】.平成15-17年度, (2006).
  4. 園田 計二: ”ロボット駆動用の高性能減速歯車変速機に関する研究”,科学研究補助金〔基盤研究(C)(2),(09650167)〕,【研究成果報告書】. 平成9-10年度, (1999).
  5. 園田 計二: ” 歯車とローラを組合せたハイブリッド形変速機”, 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門所属『歯車の加工の高度化と性能向上に関する調査研究分科会』研究成果報告書,P-SC256, pp. 138~143 (1997).
  6. 石橋 彰,園田 計二: ”内歯車の精密研削加工と高性能内歯車変速機に関する研究”,科学研究補助金〔基盤研究(C),(04650136)〕,【研究成果報告書】. 平成4-5年度, (1994).


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