

志波光晴 (材料工学、非破壊検査)

Dr. Mitsuharu SHIWA





3. 「セラミックスデータブック 1990、セラミックスの非破壊検査」、工業製品技術協会、(1991), p46-52.
4. 「セラミックス先端材料-強度と微構造- 13章.欠陥検出・非破壊検査」、オーム社、(1991)、p145-153.
5. 「注目の誘電体セラミックス、第4章.高感度AEセンサの開発」、ティー・アイ・シー、(1992)、p145-153.
6. 「新非破壊検査便覧 2.8 AE」、日刊工業新聞、(1992)、p336-369.
7. 「セラミックスの評価法、2.11 セラミックスの欠陥検出・評価法」、日本セラミックス協会、(1993)、p155-164.
8. 「カラー表現による可視化技術 第2章.第2節 2-1非破壊検査 ①AE」、フジ・テクノシステム、(1996)、p490-496.
9. 「超音波ハンドブック 第8章 4.2 アコースティック・エミッション法」、丸善、(1999)、p368-373.
10. 「金属便覧 改訂6版、6.2.1c AE法」、日本金属学会、(2000)、p417.
11. 「金属便覧 改訂6版、6.3 材料の非破壊検出技法」、日本金属学会、(2000)、p428-437.
12. 「非破壊検査工学業書 第1章 安全と検査の信頼性」、日本非破壊検査協会、(2002)
13.「非破壊検査工学業書 最新の各種探傷技術とその自動化、第1章4節 AE試験」、日本非破壊検査協会、(2002)
14. 「非破壊検査で設備診断」、設備と検査11月別冊、オーム社、(2002)、p101-102
15. 「各種非破壊検査試験 アコースティック・エミッション」、日本非破壊検査協会、(2004)
16. 「環境・エネルギー材料ハンドブック、III編3章3.0 診断・寿命予測技術の概要とキーワード」、オーム社、(2011)、p765-769


1) M. Shiwa, M. Enoki and T. Kishi
“Acoustic Emission during Loading-holding and Unloading-reloading in Fiberglass-epoxy Composites”
Journal of Acoustic Emission, Vol. 4, No. 2/3(1985), S915-918.
2) M. Shiwa, T. Ishida and T. Kishi
“Acoustic Emission Evaluation of Aramid Reinforced Aluminium Laminate”
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 5, (1990), p249-261.
3) M. Shiwa, H. Inaba and T. Kishi
“Development of High Sensitivity and Low Noise Integrated Acoustic Emission Sensor”
Materials Evaluation, Vol. 50, No. 7(1992), p868-874.
4) S. Mashino, M. Shiwa and T. Kishi
“Dynamic Crack Microscope and its Application”
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 8-9, (1993), p93-103.
5) M. Shiwa, O. Chen, S. Carpenter and T. Kishi
“Acoustic Emission Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Composite -The in-plane statistic radiation pattern analysis -”
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 8-9, (1993), p899-907.
6) M. Shiwa, S. Higuchi and T. Kishi
“The Properties of Acoustic Emission for CFRP Rocket Motor Nozzle Holder”
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol. 3, No. 4(1994), p269-285.
7) M. Shiwa, S. Higuchi and T. Kishi
“Nondestructive evaluation of CFRP rocket motor nozzle holders by acoustic emission”
Advanced Composite Materials, Vol. 3, No. 4(1994), p287-296.
8) Y. Ohara, M. Shiwa, H. Yanagida and T. Kishi
“Design for AE Transducer by 1-3 Piezoelectric Composite”
Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, Int. Edition, Vol. 102-369, (1995).
9) M. Shiwa, O. Y. Chen, T. Kishi, S. Carpenter, S. Mitsuno, H. Ichikawa, Y. T. Lee, S. T. Kim and T. S. Lee
“Fracture Mechanisms in Unnotched and Notched SiC/SiC Composite Studied by Acoustic Emission Analysis”
Materials Transactions, JIM, Vol. 36, No. 4(1995), p551-517.
10) Y. Ohara, M. Shiwa, H. Yanagida and T. Kishi
“Design and Characteristic for Wide Band AE Transducer by 1-3 Piezoelectric Composite”
Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, Int. Edition, Vol. 103-655, (1995).
11) M. Shiwa, S. Carpenter and T. Kishi
“Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals Generated during the Fatigue Testing of GFRP”
Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 30, No. 18(1996), p2019-2041.
12) M. Shiwa, E. Weppelmann, M. V. Swain, D. Munz and T. Kishi
“Acoustic Emission and Precision Force-Displacement Observations of Pointed and Spherical Indentation of Silicon and TiN Film on Silicon”
Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 31, (1996), p5985-5991.
13) M. Shiwa, A. Yamaguchi, M. Nagai, S. Murao and M. Sato
“Acoustic Emission Waveform Analysis From Weld Defects in Steel Ring Samples”,
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, February, Vol. 121, (1999), 77-83.
14) Gangzhu Chen, Mitsuharu Shiwa and Hiroshi Yoneyama
“Theoretical Investigation of Change of Magnetic Property Due to Creep Damage Using Jiles-Atherton Magnetization Model”
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, No.3,4, Vol.16(2002), IOI Press, p189-196.
15) Y. Mori, M. Shiwa, M. Nakano and K. Iwai
“New concept of AE standard: JIS Z 2342-2002 “Method for acoustic emission testing of pressure vessels during pressure tests and classification of test results”
Journal of Acoustic Emission, 21(2003), p197-205.
16) Weiying CHENG, Mitsuharu SHIWA, Gangzhu CHEN, Hiroshi YONEYAMA, and Yukihiko Horii
“Finite Element Simulation of Magneto Inductive Evaluation of PWHT Temperature of Cr-Mo Steel Welded Joints”
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 18(2004), 125-130.
17) Mitsuharu SHIWA, Weiying CHENG, Ryouichi KUME, Hiroshi YONEYAMA
“Non-destructive Detection of Creep Void Using AC Magnetic Method”
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, No.3-4, Vol.18(2004), IOI Press, p125-130.
18) Weiying Cheng, Shigeru Kanemoto, Ichiro Komura, Mitsuharu Shiwa
“Depth sizing of partial-contact stress corrosion cracking from ECT signals”
NDT&E International, Vol. 39, (2006), p374-383.
19) Weiying Cheng, Ichiro Komura, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Shigeru Kanemoto
“Eddy Current Examination of Fatigue Cracks in Inconel Welds”
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, February, Vol. 129, (2007), 169-174.
20)Eiichi Sato, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Yoshio Shinagawa, Takashi Ida, Satoshi Yamazoe and Akiyoushi Sato
“Ultrasonic Testing Method for Detection of Planar Flaws in Graphite Material”
Materials Transaction, Vol.48, No.6 (2007), 1227-1235.
21) M. Shiwa, H. Yamawaki, H. Masuda, K. Ito and M. Enoki
“AE signals analysis during chloride droplet SCC on thin plate of SUS304 steel”
Strength, Fracture and Complexity, 5(2007/9), (2009), 109-116.
22) Xinbao Liu, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Kota Sawada, Hisashi Yamawaki, Makoto Watanabe and Fuxing Yin
“Characterization of the internal friction properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel”
Materials Transaction, Vol.50, No.9 (2009), 2143-2146.
23) Xinbao Liu, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Kota Sawada, Hisashi Yamawaki, Makoto Watanabe
“Thermal diffusivity measurement of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel with internal friction”
Materials Letters, 64(2010), 1247-1250.
24) M. Shiwa, Y. Furuya, H. Yamawaki, K. Ito and M. Enoki
“Fatigue Process Evaluation of Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing in High Strength Steel Analyzed by Acoustic Emission and Non-Linear Ultrasonic”
Materials Transaction, Vol.51, No.8 (2010), 1404-1408.
25) K. Ito, H. Yamawaki, H. Masudaa, M. Shiwa and M. Enoki
“SCC Monitering of Chloride Droplets on Thin SUS304 Plate Specimens by Analysis of Continuous Recorded AE Waveform”
Materials Transaction, Vol.51, No.8 (2010), 1409-1413.
26) Xinbao Liu, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Kota Sawada, Hisashi Yamawaki, Makoto Watanabe
“Effect of cold working deformation on the internal friction of 2.25Cr–1Mo steel”
Engineering Science Letters A, 64(2010), 6741-6744.
27) Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Makoto Watanabe, and Mitsuharu Shiwa
“Highly-efficient aperture array terahertz band-pass filtering / Highly-efficient aperture array terahertz band-pass filtering”
OPTICS EXPRESS,Vol.18, /No.24(2010), 25250~25255.
28) M. Watanabe, S. Kuroda, H. Yamawaki, and M. Shiwa
“Terahertz dielectric properties of plasma-sprayed thermal-barrier coatings”
Surface & Coatings Technology, 205, (2011), 4620-4626.
29) Mitsuharu Shiwa, Hiroyuki Masuda, Hisasi Yamawaki, Kaita Ito and Manabu Enoki
“Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Micro Cell Corrosion Testing in Type 304 Stainless Steels”
Strength, Fracture and Complexity, 7, (2011), 71-78.
30) D.F. He, and M. Shiwa,
“An Anisotropic Magneto Resistive Sensor with Set/reset Field”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 82, (2011), 094703.
31) D.F. He, M. Shiwa, J.P. Jia, et al.,
“Multi-frequency ECT with AMR sensor”, NDT & E International, 44, 5(2011), 438-441.
32) Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Makoto Watanabe, and Mitsuharu Shiwa
“Aperture array Fabry-Perot interference filter”
Optics Communications, (2012.9.2), 1-5
33) Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Makoto Watanabe, and Mitsuharu Shiwa
“Teraherts Transmission for Arrays Apertures with Simens-Star Geometry”
Applied Physics Express, 6(2013), 03221-1-0321-3
34) Mitsuharu Shiwa, Hiroyuki Masuda, Hisasi Yamawaki, Kaita Ito and Manabu Enoki
“In-Situ Observation and Acoustic Emission Analysis for SCC of MgCl2 Droplet
in SUS304 Stainless Steel”
Materials Transaction, Vol.55, No.2 (2014), 285-289.
35) Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Makoto Watanabe, and Mitsuharu Shiwa, Gudrun Niehues, Seizi Nishizawa, and Masahiko Tani
“A polarization-sensitive 4-contact detector for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy”,
OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol.22, No.9, (2014), 10332-10340.
36) Donfeng He, and Mitsuharu Shiwa,
“A Magnetic Sensor with Amorphous Wire”
Sensors 2014, 14(2014), 10644-10649; doi:10.3390/s140610644
37) Gudrun Niehues,Stefan Funkner, Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Satoshi Tsuzuki,Takashi Furuya, Koji Yamamoto, Mitsuharu Shiwa, and Masahiko Tani,
”A matter of symmetry: terahertz polarization detection properties of a multi-contact photoconductive antenna evaluated by a response matrix analysis”,
OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 23, 12 (2015), 16184-16195.
38) Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Gudrun Niehues, and Masahiko Tani,
“Linear Dichroism Detection and Analysis in Terahertz Spectral Range”,
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Vol.5, 6(2015), pp.1097-109.
39) Kisalaya Chakrabarti and Mitsuharu Shiwa
“Simulation Study of Strains Obtained by Two Different Scattering Processes in Optical Fiber Sensors”,
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 4, 10(2016), 2347-2693.
40) Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Takashi Furuya, and Masahiko Tani,
“Gigahertz time-domain spectroscopy and imaging for nondestructive materials research and Evaluation”,
Scietific Reports, 6:27980 (2016) | DOI: 10.1038/srep27980
41) Dmitry S. Bulgarevich, Makoto Watanabe, Mitsuharu Shiwa, Gudrun Niehues, Hideki Kitahara, and Masahiko Tani,
“Polarization-variable emitter for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy”,
OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 24, 28 (2016), 27160-27165.
42) Mitsuharu Shiwa, Zhengwang Li, Takuya Maeshima, Yasuhiro Koda, and Yasushi Tanaka
“Wave-Guided Acoustic Emission Signals of Concrete Slab during Fatigue Testing Using Wheel Load”
Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.12, 3(2017), to be published.
43) Mitsuharu Shiwa, Zhengwang Li, Takuya Maeshima, Yasuhiro Koda, and Yasushi Tanaka
“Acoustic Emission Properties of Concrete Slab During Fatigue Testing with a Running-Wheel Load”
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, (2017), to be published.


平成3年 平成2年度 日本非破壊検査協会論文賞
平成14年 第13回 日本溶接協会「技術賞(開発奨励賞)」
平成17年 平成16年度火力原子力技術協会論文賞


1. 「アコースティック・エミッションセンサー」、特許2095271号
2. 「アコースティック・エミッションセンサー」、特許2598171号
3. 「アコースティック・エミッションセンサー」。特許2617584号
4. 「AE発生位置標定装置」、特許2891767号
5. 「アコースティック・エミッションセンサー」、特許3141625号
6. 「交流磁化を用いた強磁性体の溶接物の溶接後熱処理評価装置および方法」、特許3355322号
7. 「交流磁化を用いた強磁性体構造物のクリープ損傷評価方法および装置」、特許3461781号
8. 「非破壊高温クリープ損傷評価方法」、特許3728286号
9. 「クリープボイドの非破壊検出方法」、特許3803314号
10. 「渦電流探傷信号処理法」、特許4235648号
11. 「バンドパスフィルター」、特許5598816号
12. 「テラヘルツ波光学素子」、特許5594640号
13. 「極低温超音波疲労試験非破試験評価装置」、特許5920789号
14. 「極低温超音波疲労試験非破試験評価装置及び解析・評価方法」、特許5923923号


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